4-H True Leaders in Equity Team Attended the National 4-H Equity Conference in Washington DC

Published On: August 9, 2024Categories: News
4-H True Leaders in Equity Team Attended the National 4-H Equity Conference in Washington DC
Three years ago, a youth True Leaders in Equity Team was established in the Madelia High school through the Welcoming Communities Foundation. The Welcoming Communities Foundation program ended last year in June and Watonwan County 4-H Extension took over guiding the Equity Team alongside school counselor Meghan Ward. The Equity team met every 2 weeks during lunch to discuss topics and spend time planning for open invitation Lunch & Learn sessions for the youth at school. At the end of
 the year, club members held an event called “The Day of Silence” where youth stayed silent during the entire school day to represent a group or person of their choosing and observed what it was like to not be heard. The leadership team consisted of 6 youth in grades 10-12. 
With the help of the U of M Regional Educator for Civic Engagement and Leadership, Amy Sparks,  an application was submitted for an all expenses paid trip to a National Equity 4-H Conference in Washing
ton DC. The Madelia Equity Team’s application was accepted and 5 youth attended the conference along with 17 other youth from Minnesota. They explored Washington DC, met youth from across the country who shared similar goals in helping their communities & schools, attended educational workshops, and even presented a plan to make their school brighter through art, posters, representation, etc. Currently these youth are working with the Minnesota State 4-H Equity Team to plan a conference for 4-H youth in Minnesota who are interested in Equity.

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