Because we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of our alumni association, it was imperative that we should know as much as possible about our organization. It was discovered that we have the record books of the minutes of the annual meetings beginning with the year 1913. We had nothing before that time so it was necessary to search through old newspapers for our early history. It is very likely that when that group of 26 eager young graduates, who were inspired by their beloved Professor Hammond, decided to form an alumni association, had no idea that we would be in existence and celebrating a 100th anniversary. Those first three classes, who weren’t joined by other members until 1894, had a special bond because, when they came for alumni meetings, they would have a separate gathering of their own. These early members laid the foundation of loyalty and endearments that carries through to this day. It is true, as our history shows that we have had times when interest has declined, but then something sparks us and our allegiance comes forth. We are not only distinguished because we are one of the oldest alumni associations in the state, but we are one of a very few that convenes an annual meeting.